Modern Slavery Policy


The 2015 Modern Slavery Act1 (the ‘Act’) includes 4 offences – slavery, servitude and forced or compulsory labour; human trafficking; Exploitation or the intent to commit one of these.


At Mineral, we are against all forms of slavery – there is simply no place for it in our modern world. An estimated 40.3 million people were recorded as being in modern slavery in 20162, with some 71% of these people being female.


In accordance with our knowledge and understanding of sustainability, as well as our position as responsible business, we abide by the Act, addressing the practices related to supply chains (as outlined in section 543), which this document relates.


Corporate Governance


As with our brand ethos, we commit to transparency in across our business activities and this is also applicable to our approach to the Act. This policy is publicly available on our website and details the standards to which all Mineral employees and freelancers working with, for or on behalf of Mineral.




The Directors of Mineral are responsible for this policy, its application and any queries related to it.


Supply Chains


As a firm providing sustainability-related services, it is our responsibility (In-line with our Sustainability Policy), to review our suppliers on an annual basis, ensuring our suppliers uphold the standards to which we adhere and raising issues as and if they are identified. Across our supply chain, we expect suppliers to maintain these standards also, with their own suppliers.


Whilst we have not identified any offences in our supply chain, we will monitor our suppliers for any potential risks and issues. This will include annual reviews or suppliers, their processes, and our agreements with suppliers, to ensure continuing adherence to the Act.


Where we deem a supplier to be in contravention of the Act, we will severe our agreements with that supplier and raise our concerns to the appropriate authority as necessary. At Mineral, anyone can raise an issue without fear of recrimination and is encouraged to do so where they see an issue or believe this policy is in breach.




All Mineral employees and freelancers are made aware of the Act and their required adherence to this policy, receiving necessary training on Modern Slavery issues, as and when required, as well as having this policy communicated to them on an annual basis.


18 March 2024

Charlie Brunyate, Director

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